Sunday, May 23, 2010

Dating in Beijing: the essentials

I finally got to meet my cousin's boyfriend, the one nobody in my family has met or approves of. You guys are getting an exclusive picture here! What may seem like two young adults dating, there's a lot more going on than just that. Unlike dating anywhere else, dating in Beijing comes with a whole list of requirements. Here's a checklist of essentials to look for in a suitor:
1) Height - is the guy at least 5'8" (considered tall). Height is not a big deal when it comes to girls but it is a problem if she's too tall, like my cousin Zhaojing who is 5'11".
2) Skin color - the paler the better. My cousin's boyfriend's mom said about Chloe, "She may be dark but she's got a good job."
3) Job - the male should have a job that has a promising future in a managerial position. The female should have a stable and "soft" job such has teaching, marketing, or HR.
4) Housing - parents usually buy several apartments so to make their kid more desirable. This is something provided by the parents, rarely the kids.
5) Car - on top of the apartment, parents also like to equip their single kids with cars to appeal to the opposite sex.
6) Parents - what the parents do and their financial situation is a huge factor. Nobody wants the burden of constantly supporting their in-laws. Also, it is considered an honor to have in-laws who are managers, professors, or diplomats.
7) City vs. Non-city - Beijingers prefer to date Beijingers, but non-city kids are very hard-working. Similar to people from small towns who try to make it big in NYC. So, if the non-city suitor is hard-working, the Beijinger will make an exception.
With all that said, if the person is incredibly hot, all of the above can be forgiven. Hahaha.

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