Tuesday, December 27, 2011

One of my favorite moments in China: public dancing

It's no secret that I love to dance.  What I love even more is dancing in public.  Surrounded by old people.

One of my favorite moments would have to be witnessing and participating in public dancing.  Trust me, flashmobs have been around in China for YEARS.  I was reminded of this favorite moment when mom and I walked back from the gym and were greeted with blaring synthesized ballroom music at the front gate of the apartment village.  All of a sudden, everyone (the young, the old, the pretty, the ugly) becomes professional ballroom dancers, gingerly galloping around an imaginary stage.  Some are couples, some are same-sex friends, and some are just alone dancing with thin air.  It's in this moment that nobody gives a shit what others think of them.

Public dancing can be found pretty much anywhere throughout China and it's usually organically organized by the apartment village.  I believe the apartment association even funds the sound system and music.  ME LIKEY!

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