Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The biggest detour of my life (so far)

I'm now living and working in Beijing.  WTF?  How did this happen?  Let me start at the beginning:

After 7 years in NYC, I was getting the 7-year-itch.  I made plans to move to Los Angeles starting February 1st, but also decided to spend the holidays in China with my family.  I was getting antsy doing nothing so within 2 weeks of being Beijing, I started casually looking for freelance work in the entertainment industry.  I was also curious what it would be like to work as an on-air talent in China.

I guess sometimes life serves you interesting options - options you find hard to say no to.  I was hired on the spot during an interview at an independent TV station called Blue Ocean Network.  They offered me a full time position to host my own show based around inflation in China as compared to the US.  Everything's in English as it's for the US audience.  I've always fantasized about having a Mary Tyler Moore-esque life and here was my chance.  I figured, why the hell not.

So here I am, on my 4th day at work and due to confidentiality reasons, I can't write much more about my job or my new company.  But I can tell you that not hopping on that flight back to the US was one of the toughest but also liberating decisions I've ever made.  Imagine how my friends reacted when I posted the FB message: "I've decided to stay in Beijing and will not be returning to the US anytime soon."

I would've never been ready for this opportunity a year ago, or even 6 months ago.  But look at me now, living out of one suitcase and battling the rush hour subway traffic everyday like a Chinese native.

Oh BTW, this would be my first full time job in almost 6 years.  That in itself takes a while getting used to.

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